Publication: Iowa Values, Common Sense Solutions

Publication: Iowa Values, Common Sense Solutions

The Narcisse for Governor campaign published its literature drop piece and is making a pdf of the 8 page publication available online as a downloadable PDF. IowaValues8PageTab2014.11×11. It covers the legacy of Narcisse and quotes supporters like former Branstad Chief of Staff Gretchen Tegeler, Iowa State Board of Education member Greg McLain.
Iowa Values Common Sense Solutions 8 Page Tab Narcisse Iowa Party
The promotional piece, which will be distributed door to door by volunteers in the last two weeks of the election campaign, includes sections that summarize Narcisse’s white papers on Restoring Iowa’s World Class Education System; An Engine, Not a Motor for Iowa’s Economy; An Iowa Worth Fighting For; A Mandate to Lead; and outlines the Mission and Strategies for the Iowa Party to hold government accountable in Iowa.

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